Jah Jah Dub

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Guardian is really embarrassing itself over the French election: another article forcing France to be the UK's opposite (and obvious superior). We really need to get over this crush. The truth is, France doesn't really matter. It's a nice country, if a little parochial and conservative, and it's really similar to Britain*.

French people aren't any better dressed (I mean, you have seen French people, right?), and their much-lauded sexual maturity seems a lot like hypocrisy and misogyny from here. But that doesn't matter: they needn't be any more chic, or exciting, or relaxed, or big-hearted. They needn't be a projection of things we wish we were. Besides, it's not a competition; and if it was, there would be more entrants.

* The French: the Countryside Alliance with softer cheese.


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