Jah Jah Dub

Friday, February 23, 2007

I never did finish my round up of last year, did I? *

Quickly, then.

Best TV programme of the year: The Wire. I can't imagine anyone not liking it.

Surprise of the year: Battlestar Galactica - not perfect, takes itself quite seriously, but after getting through a lot of plot in the mini series, the first season lets its characters breathe; you know my favourite, of course.

Trojan horse of the year: Friday Night Lights - it's not just about football and necking you know. I could argue that it's about class, and race, and ambition, and dead-end life, but who would want to watch that? It is about those things, but it hasn't forgotten character. It also looks beautiful.

My favourite TV experience of 2006 will get its own post.

* Don't even mention logos.


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