Jah Jah Dub

Friday, August 04, 2006

I saw Best in Show the other day. I'd seen it before, but ages ago - in fact, I'd forgotten the ending. I enjoyed it well enough. But I'm close to an opinion on it, and Christopher Guest films in general.

That opinion: they are terrible - unfunny, self-satisfied and narratively shabby. Guest is far too indulgent with his cast, each of whom is trying to outdo the rest with some whacky piece of character comedy, without any concern on how this will affect the balance of the film. The only audience they care about is each other - actors' workshops, and you're not welcome. They're fun to make, I'm sure, but not to watch - like Whose Line is it Anyway?

The actors are convinced that they are hilarious, and we believe them because it looks like they've got a pretty fun gang there, and it'd be nice to be a member. This stops now.

NB: Opinion currently in the research and development stage and should not be judged as the finished product.


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