Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, March 30, 2006

From Israel, a glimpse of a possible future for a Britain with proportional representation.

Winning party:
1. Kadima: 28 seats, centrist
Probable partner:
2. Labour: 20 seats, centre-left
Possible partners:
3. Shas: 13 seats, ultra-Orthodox
4. Pensioners: 7 seats, single-issue
5. Torah Judaism: 6 seats, ultra-Orthodox
6. Meretz: 4 seats, left-wing
Unlikely partners:
7. Israel Beitenu: 12 seats, Russian emigres, far-right
8. Likud: 11 seats, right-wing
9. Arab parties: 10 seats
10. National Union/Religious: 9 seats, far-right, settlers

Pensioners! Brilliant. They're way ahead over there.


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