Jah Jah Dub

Monday, October 24, 2005

So I was watching that politics programme with Andrew Marr yesterday, Sunday AM I think it’s called, and saw an interview with John Major. He came across well. He was saying, and I agree with him, that this Conservative leadership campaign will be seen as the beginning of a sea-change in British politics. He made the point that the Tories had five (over-generous, but I’ll let it go) credible candidates, Labour, in comparison, has the one they have now and the one they will have in a few years. He also drew a comparison between the current cabinet and a prospective shadow one containing Cameron, Davies, Rifkind, Clarke, Fox, with Willets and Letwin in the back room. Anyone looking forward to a fight between that group and a shop-worn Chancellor with a bunch of no-marks behind him?

I had been concerned that Mr Cameron was insufficiently radical. Neil Clark in the Guardian puts my mind at rest.

“Gove and Vaizey are signatories to the statement of principles of the Henry Jackson Society, which has its UK launch next month. The society - named after the US Democratic senator who opposed detente with the Soviet Union - campaigns for a "forward strategy" to spread "liberal democracy across the world" through "the full spectrum of 'carrot' capacities, be they diplomatic, economic, cultural or political, but also, when necessary, those 'sticks' of the military domain"."

Should shake things up, what?

More on the despicable Jackson here.


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