Jah Jah Dub

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Why does anyone pay any attention to Lauren Bacall? I can only imagine it is for what she represents - a last link with a supposed Hollywood Golden Age when the world was young and films were more than adverts for toys. There’s no Marilyn around anymore, no Hepburns, so she’ll do. And the media listen to her, take her legend status for granted and wheel her out to offer barbed comment on today’s stars.

But you’ve gone too far this time Lauren.

"When you talk about a great actor, you're not talking about Tom Cruise."

"His whole behavior is so shocking," she says. "It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially, but I think it's kind of a sickness."

I’ve never understood the widespread sneering at The Cruiser. I wouldn’t make any enormous claims for his acting, but he is a Star, and a good one. Looking over his career, most of his work is rewatchable, although he should probably avoid the name directors – his weakest films are probably those serious shots at “art”.

Bacall? She doesn’t seem to have done a good film since 1946, when she was 22. This is practically a child star. And it would be easier to take this seriously:

“It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything...”

If she didn't mention Bogart at every opportunity.


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