Jah Jah Dub

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Comment of the Year - Saving it here so it isn't deleted

Don't slag off The Sun, I read it every day. It's not perfect, but it's basically a decent paper. It may be centre-right, but so are most people in the UK, and their opinions are no less valid than ours. Everything listed on that front page is a problem that the government has failed to address (except the HRA) - not problems that I'm particularly bothered about, but problems that plenty of other people are. It's patronising to say that it's all educated people manipulating the uneducated - the uneducated are perfectly capable of making their own minds up, and won't just buy anything the tabloids tell them. Look at the Mirror - it changed its politics from centre to hard left and lost a shitload of readers. The Sun has a good track record on confronting racism and has run important campaigns on domestic abuse and bullying - if we're going to do the decent left sneering thing, let's do it at the Daily Mail, which really is a propaganda rag.

Also, "gipsies" is a correct spelling, and having been trained by Sun sub-editors, I can tell you that those boys are the best in the business. You won't find better economy of language in any other UK paper, Sun writers are well respected in the industry.

oliver | 08.03.05 - 11:56 am |


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