Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hello there. I haven't been blown up, just in case you were wondering.

Have to go to work in forty five minutes though. That's going to be a fun journey.

UPDATE: Fuck that. I'm staying here. No tubes, no buses... not relishing giving the train a whirl.

I've got the TV on in the background - mobile phone network down; land line network pretty jammed. Don't worry, people.

Latest: 2 dead, at least 90 injured.

I think we can rule out "power surges".

Update 2: Explosion on... some other road.

"Arab sources" who monitor al-Qaida think that it's almost certainly their doing.

Update 3: I can hear a lot of sirens here in Zone 3.

Update 4: Anyone else based in London fancy leaving an "I'm alright, by the way" comment?

Update 5: Tony's coming back to London today to see what's going on. He'll return later. His voice was cracking. He pointed the finger at "those that would try and destroy our way of life and impose extremism on the world." Can you guess who it is yet?


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