Jah Jah Dub

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Sell out.

I’m sure I’ve used intemperate words to describe those who would join political parties. I am now one of those herding morons. They almost lost me with that fox hunting nonsense, and I’m not so keen on that “Brown” fellow, but their sterling work on tuition fees and the Iraq war carried the day. I’m coming out squarely for Labour in this election.

I’m speaking to you now, you who may have voted Labour once but now are not so sure: before you decide to throw your vote away on the loathsome reactionaries of “Respect”, or the ridiculous and cynical Liberal Democrats, think hard. Do you remember what it was like having the Tories in power? Really? Is this a risk you want to run? When evaluating the present government’s record it is obvious that they could have done more. However, think about what the Conservative party would have done in response to asylum pressures and terrorism. Think of the positive changes of the last eight years.

I’m glad of the result in 1997, and I’m glad of the result in 2001. I hope I’m glad of this result too, but this time I’m more worried. I can’t be bothered going door to door so I’ll canvas here. Just a little.


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