Jah Jah Dub

Sunday, March 27, 2005

So I'm thinkin', I haven't shaved for a few days. Maybe I'll just run the razor over my chin. I always thought that if I was on Big Brother (parenthetically: if I was a contestant, of course I'd win - we're all friends here, let's be open with each other) I would persuade the other males to keep their upper lips furry. Every ejected man would greet Davina McCall with a bushy surprise. Unfortunately I'm cursed with the Johnston gene, my bristles permanently stalled in early adolescence. I'm sure we must have some Cherokee somewhere. The big family shame is that we were related to a sheep thief (son or grandson of thief was Woodrow Wilson. We don't make much of that.), I can only guess that he crossbred somewhere along the line.

UPDATE: by the way, that Selleck picture? It was on the wall in "the porn room" in my house in Leeds. You know how I feel about Leeds.


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