Jah Jah Dub

Friday, March 04, 2005

Oh for fuck's sake (Google that for previous references). An after work drink with James ends with karaoke once again. This time? Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline". I took a while to warm up, but I like to think that I finished with my usual magnificence. In fact, I think James filmed it on his Futurama-and-porn-filled-phone. Luckily, I squeaked in before another fake (Neil)Diamond. He did Love on the Rocks. I'd considered it, but decided against.

Nice to see that my two usual target audiences, ageing gay men and underage foreign students, lived up to billing:

"You were very sexy up there, on the stage. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. But I do have a girlfriend."

"You're bisexual then?"

"No. I'm straight. My friend is gay. I'm here with him."


and then, on the way to Victoria we were accosted by a gaggle of Spaniards.

"Where can we go to drink here?"

"Nowhere. You could try Leicester Square or Covent Garden..."

"Spanish spanish spanish."

"Hablo muy poco espanol."

"Spanish spanish spanish."

"... OK... Try The Stag. The red lights down there. Rioja?

"Si. Rioja." (Girl grabs my arm.) "You come with us, yes?"

"... No..."

A fun time was had by all. Hope you're enjoying your night, chicas.


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