Jah Jah Dub

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Remembered today:

A friend of mine at sixth form had Sky TV. Hours would be filled sampling the thrilling MTV - the videos for Fish Heads, later found to be by They Might Be Giants, and King Missile's Martin Scorsese perhaps making the biggest impression - and, once it was launched, the more sophisticated delights of VH1. However, the film channels provided the most excitement. Now, thanks to "The Lover", "an erotic journey", and "The Colour of Night", "an erotic thriller" - pieces of shit both - for a few heady months Jane March seemed a star in waiting, a bit like Julia Ormand in between Legends of the Fall and First Night*. My friend recorded The Lover and brought the tape round to my house - I trust the sympathetic reader will skip over the whys and wherefores of this, we were sixteen and powerless in the face of a hormonal storm - and left it behind when he left. After a selective reviewing of the film, the next day I recorded Martin Lewis's "Today's the Day" over the sections I thought he would have been most interested in. I returned the tape and started the countdown to when he'd discover my mischief. The next day he confronted me. Luckily we both worked in the same petrol station, and his easy access to free pornography gave him license to see the funny side.

I was pleased today to see that sixteen year old me still has the capacity to make his ten years older self laugh out loud.

* All roads lead back to my sixth form university trip. This was one of the cinema options one evening. Baffling now, my friends and I pushed for Beyond Rangoon**. I have no idea what we actually saw.

** Childhood taste is a whole other crazy issue and I should leave this post now before it's overwhelmed by footnotes. Still, I went to the cinema to see Medicine Man. What's more, I'd looked forward to it.


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