Jah Jah Dub

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

An expansion on an earlier post:

"...all who seek influence should be excluded from wielding it..."

I strongly believe this. Who would strive to govern? The corrupt, the over-ambitious mediocrities, the self-proclaimed messiahs, the busy-bodies and the dullards. The only good leader is the reluctant one, so George Bush Jnr might not be such a bad choice. The drive to power came from his father: George was too busy firing shotguns into the air from the back of pick-ups. I prefer representative democracy to a political caste, and Bush is more representative of - I hate to use this word - ordinary Americans than Kerry. Personally I'd like to see a legislature selected at random like jury service. Anyone who tried to push themselves forward would be automatically struck off the list.

The principle carries further, I think. A lot of comedians are insecure show-offs, and not particularly funny. Journalists are people who tried and tried to become journalists, not necessarily the best writers. "Achievement" is too often the preserve of the vainglorious. Test 'em young and appoint jobs according to talent, I say.


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