Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I don't normally do this kind of thing from a fear of appearing overly solipsistc (me!) but I thought I'd share this little sliver of family life:

So my Dad's getting remarried then.

"I have something to tell you both. On February 18th I'm getting married..."

"Wow. Congratulations."

"I'm so glad you're being like this. I didn't know how you would take it..."

"To be honest, it doesn't make any difference to me. Couldn't give a shit really," I didn't reply.

And there it is. The two children who share Dad's house and who I've sometimes jokingly referred to as "my pseudo step-brother and sister", will become the real deal. I don't know them, of course, and have exchanged few words with either - I've only been to their home once (actually twice, but then their parents were still together, Dad was with someone else and, well, that's a whole other story). Christ, I'll have a stepmother... That's strange. Also, those much older step-siblings that a few of my friends have... will be me! This is also a little odd. 


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