Jah Jah Dub

Friday, July 02, 2004

Hey kids, keep Saturday the 10th free if you like, like. It's my birthday on the Monday, see? Not having been in Britain for the last few of them*, it'll be weird to be around "friends" and maybe get "cards"... Perhaps because of this (and a glance at my terrifying bank balance) I'm extremely unenthusiastic about it at the moment. But you know, it could be alright.

* NB Any plans to whisk me away for a surprise trip abroad, "and you won't be in Britain for this one either! Ha!" are, alas, doomed to failure as my passport has recently expired. But fear not, you mysterious benefactors, you should have a chance to bundle me off these shores later on in the year or whenever I get round to filling the forms in.


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