Jah Jah Dub

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Worked out that watching Back to Reality is like having a dream. "Yeah, last night I dreamt that Nick Bateman was in this house with that one from Wife Swap, Lizzie, James Hewitt and Rik Waller. Oh yeah, and that guy from the Salon, Ricardo. And Kerry Katona came to visit. And they had to eat worms. And before that some of them had to judge people who had been on Pop Idol doing terrible auditions. Remember the guy who did Eye of the Tiger? Yeah, him. What was the point of the show? I don't remember. They just seemed to fuck with them a lot, like shaking a jam jar full of stick insects. I don't think there was a point. It was cool though."

Martin described it as like watching Real Madrid play. Suddenly a player pops up that you completely forgot was on the pitch. "Oh yeah! Ronaldo! Receiving a cross from Figo!" Similarly, "Oh yeah! Maureen from Driving School! Receiving a cake from Jade Goody!"


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