Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Just sold a diamond to a couple of bickering Israelis. Started laughing as I was signing.

Man: What is it?
A: Oh, nothing... just that I'm clearly selling this for less than its value.
M: What do you mean? We agreed the price, we're being very fair with you.
A: Of course you are. There's an ever so slight asymmetry of information though. You know what you're buying, I don't know what I'm selling. I'm enjoying the good cop/bad cop thing too. It's fine though, I don't mind. I would be the same if I was buying something from some wet-behind-the-ears kid. I can't be bothered haggling anymore.
M: Good. So we have a deal then?
A: Yeah, no problems.

It was in cash, mind.


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