Jah Jah Dub

Monday, January 19, 2004

10 PRINT "You know that TV programme that everyone really likes? I don't like it."
20 PRINT "You know that TV programme which most people consider as a guilty pleasure? I think it is worthless rubbish."
30 PRINT "You know that band/musician that everyone thinks are/is talented and good? I think they/he/she is rubbish."
40 PRINT "You know that woman who isn't particularly attractive? I really fancy her."
50 PRINT "You know that TV programme that most people wouldn't like? I think it's good. Really good."
60 PRINT "You know anything hip? I think it's rubbish."
70 PRINT "You know anything you wouldn't expect someone in their mid-20s to like? I really like it."
80 PRINT "Something that no one would ever bother mentioning."
90 PRINT "Vote in my poll!"
100 PRINT "Drunken non sequiturs and nonsense."
110 GOTO 10


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