Jah Jah Dub

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Tedious self examination:

Growing up with an incessant barrage of films, television and advertising images, I have more experience of stories than reality. This is the same for most everyone, and must have an impact on people's relationships and reactions to joyful or terrible events. "Surely I should be feeling like this..." And maybe even, "I will feel like this." I suspect that expectations are partly based on three act story arcs, ending in triumph or tragedy, and therefore we are always disappointed, unsatisfied or guilty about what we do achieve. Even humdrum, everyday lives are granted an extra dignity by appearing on screen, and however accurate these representations are, they seem more noble or significant than their real life equivalents. Perhaps even David Beckham compares his life with his ambitions and finds it wanting - "It's all very well scoring on my league debut for Real Madrid, but it *should* have been a hat trick..." If we each feel that we are starring in the film of our own life, then each decision made, especially regarding careers or personal relationships, assumes a vital importance. Will this path lead to "my story"? Is she The One? By taking this job, am I in fact moving away from my true narrative? But along with chaos, each writes his/her own tale, epic or novella. There is no second act about to start if we wait long enough, and it is foolish to expect one.

But despite myself I still do...


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