Jah Jah Dub

Friday, October 17, 2003

S: I go out with friends tonight. You want to come?
A: Ah. No. I’m staying in tonight. Going out tomorrow. Ummm... where do you usually go out?
S: Tonight – Brick Lane. Usually around Old Street.
A: Old Street? Right. Got you.
S: Where you go?
A: Nowhere in particular.

Not Old Street.

S: One place I go, I talk to this man, he say a film star there the week before.
A: Who was it?
S: Patrick? Something like this.
A: Film star called Patrick? Tell me Swayze.
S: In Romeo and Juliet.
A: Hmmmm.
S: Gwyneth Paltrow.
A: Right. Of course.


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