Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Hmmm. 12:40... I sure am pissed. Sure do have my fried chicken... Of course James got off at Brixton to have sex with some man or other. We went to kareoke at the Retro Bar. Obviously I sang Rebel Rebel. A stormer. 3 congratulations, thank you very much. Of course James sang "Video killed the radio star". Least said, soonest mended. Of course a 45 year old lesbian said that I was well fit and that she could be converted. (See you later...) Of course I was compared (by "straight" women) to:

1) The youngest chap in Queer as Folk.
2) Steve Tyler.


Of course I sleep alone tonight, beneath my enormous Dido poster...


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