Jah Jah Dub

Friday, August 01, 2003

There are so many subliminal (and not so subliminal) motivational messages around this building, it's all I can do to remain disinterested and work-shy.

A selection:

-On my boss's desk: "A mind is like a parachute, it works better when it is open."
(NB There used to be one saying something like, "I am your Admiral, you are my sailors, customer care is our war." This is an approximation, the original was even more toe-curling, if you can believe it.)

-There is no "i" in team. (Unfortunately this wasn't completed with, "but there is in vacation!" That's my favourite one.)

-Call on your clients out of audit season. (Along with a painfully unfunny cartoon.)

-Call your friends from university, see what they're up to.

etc etc

Does anyone take these seriously? I fear that they do.


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