Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Can't believe I haven't put this up before. All of heterosexual male-female relations is illustrated by this exchange between Wayne and his ex-girlfriend, Belinda.

They are outside a newsagent...

Wayne: I'm just going to go in and get a packet of crisps, do you want anything?
Bel: No, I'm alright, thanks.
Wayne: You sure? I'm getting some myself anyway. You don't want any crisps or anything?
Bel: No thanks, really.

Wayne goes into shop, buys a packet of crisps. Exits, opens them.


Bel: Can I have a crisp?
Wayne: No!
Bel: Oh go on, just one!
Wayne: No, I asked you twice, you didn't want anything. I'd have bought you a whole pack, you've missed your chance now.
Bel: I don't want a whole pack, I only want one.
Wayne: Well, you can't have any.
Bel: Is it because I'm fat?

I thank you.


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