Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Why does putting a normal person in a car turn them into a cunt? All drivers are fucking idiots. Ooooh, we hate speed limits, ooohh, we shouldn't be "penalised" for using the roads, oooh, petrol is so expensive. FUCK OFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, speed cameras, they're terrible, aren't they? Fancy the government trying to enforce laws! There should also be fewer police on the streets of course, can't believe they bust people for mugging. FUCK OFF. Just fuck off right now. And don't talk to me about your car, I couldn't give a shit. I don't care how fast it goes or how big it is or what the stereo is like. You may as well try and talk about your washing machine to me. Just shut the fuck up about anything to do with motoring, roads, anything.

I hate all drivers, without exception. They should all fuck off, and take their fucking "cars" with them.

I still like "Top Gear" though.


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