Jah Jah Dub

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Top 5 Women Ever. (Or possibly in music, at the moment there is some overlap.)

1) Sarah Blackwood. (But only as Client A, not in dubstar.)
2) Ronnie Spector.
3) Nina from the Cardigans. *
4) Sarah Cracknell.
5) Wendy James.

Please note: at least most of these are making up the numbers.

* Yes, I am aware that her name is Nina Persson. However, I would have to call her "Nina from the Cardigans" at all times. Would you like a drink, Nina-from-the-Cardigans? Would you like to come in for some coffee, Nina-from-the-Cardigans? What would you like for breakfast, Nina-from-the-Cardigans? etc etc


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