Jah Jah Dub

Thursday, July 24, 2003

I think I met my dream woman today.

Background: Yesterday, two of the women I work with were talking about the new temp who works in one of the other teams.

Debbie: Have you seen her? She's really pretty.
Judy: We should introduce her to Alistair, he's single.

(They turn towards me. I blush.)

Debbie: Yeah, she's lovely. Pretty (hey!), slim (hey!) and tall (hmmmm). She has dreadlocks. (Aargh.)
Me: Well, thanks, but I don't want to be set up with some fucking soap dodger. (Of course I did not say this, I have added it for comic effect.)


I saw her and we started talking. I thought that she was quite pretty, noticed the freakish stature (possibly as tall as 5'9") and winced at the dreadlocks. She seemed quite nice, obviously a fairly posh girl slumming it.

And then...

Hannah: I've just come back from abroad.
Me: Oh yeah? Where have you been?
Hannah: In Mauritius... I've spent the last 6 months studying lemurs...

(I try to stifle my delighted smile)

Hannah: I want to do a Master's degree in primate behaviour...

By this stage her dreads are floating in the air, the background is swirling around her, and in my head, "dreeeeaaaam weeeaaaver, I bel-ieve you can get me through the ni-iiighhht...".

Before I get some ridiculous comments like: "What are you going to do?" or "hows it going?" or "Have you asked her out yet?" I'd like to point out the following...

1) This is me. Remember?
2) I don't actually fancy her particularly, although o.i.w., I'm only mentioning it because of the monkey thing.


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