Jah Jah Dub

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Me and James went to "Duckie" tonight, a club in South London. It was ace, even if there were maybe 3 girls there. Still, I got to harass John Hegley for a while, and then ALM. She was lovely too, said she'd fast-track us through the selection process to end up "on-air".

*Of course "Monkey Harris" is the best character in "Only fools and horses".

*I love Spiderman. And Proust,. Aaahhhhh.

*Why have I played the dirt Rolling Stones song "Beast of Burden" about 5 times today? Apart from that it's ace. Why haven't I noticed this before?

*Read "The league of extraordinary gentlemen" by Alan Moore. It's f*cking skill.

*Call my basil plant "Sybil". Obviously.

*Do a website.

*Buy a guitar tomorrow.

*I wish I could grow a decent moustache.

*Buy Aerosmith - "Pump".

*VH1's sexiest 100. Steve Tyler sexier than Mick Jagger? Dave Grohl sexier than Kurt C? I know it's stupid, but I was still annoyed. Pink?

*Lying on beach in Singapore. Ed listening to "Fast Love" again and again while planes flew overhead. Phone Ed.

My top 5 women as of now......

Parker Posey
Janeane Garafolo
Katie Puckrick
Helen Mirren (any age)
Joy from Drop the Dead Donkey.

List subject to revision.


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