Jah Jah Dub

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November Outsourcing 

I know! 3 posts in a month!

So I'm late with this. Though I'm still very down with the idea, I've been slack in getting on with my pals' recommendations this month, especially when I have to stump up readies for them.

These were they:

Marty says...

Bang Bang Rock & Roll - Art Brut
The Modern Lovers - Modern Lovers

Pato says... some old rubbish. Specifically...

Something Else - The Kinks
Situation -Buck 65

My tips for readers:

The Fifth Head Of Cerberus - Gene Wolfe (try not to be put off by terrible name and cover)
Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol (only read book 1, book 2 is rubbish)


Bush Pardons Thanksgiving Turkey 

Easily my favourite annual news story.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Norman Mailer 

Norman Mailer needs no eulogy from me; but he was great because he wasn't afraid of looking foolish, and he always took a swing at it.

See below for a fight with Rip Torn.

You're just not going to get that from Julian Barnes.


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